Udbhav World

Message from President


Dr Keshav Pandey

This year Udbhav Sports and Cultural Association is celebrating it’s 25th anniversary. The
organisation was founded in 1997. The purpose was to give a sports platform to the childrens
of Gwalior- Chambal region. Under the banner of Udbhav Sports and Cultural Association, we
organized various sports events in the fields of table tennis, cricket, carrom as well as in the field of fine
arts like painting.
The then Union Railway Minister, H.H. (Late) Shrimant Madhavrao Scindia blessed the organization
and thus began the success story of Udbhav Sports and Cultural Association. Afterwords the association
became an international brand name with artists and sportsmen from various countries performing under
the banner of Udbhav Sports and Cultural Association. The main reason for the tremendous success
and popularity of Udbhav is the encouragement and support of our current patron, Union Minister H.H.
Shrimant Jyotiraditya Scindia. It is also a fact that the association got remarkable support from the
public of Gwalior.
Going forward, Udbhav Sports and Cultural Association has also got involved in social activities like
providing assistance to poor girls for their marriage and providing free medical services to the needy.
On the cultural front, we have made some elaborate plans to bring more artists from various corners of
the world. We, at Udbhav firmly believe that relations between countries will certainly improve through
cultural exchanges. It is also a fact that these events provide an opportunity to artists from various
backgrounds to get a chance to understand and appreciate different cultures.
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Udbhav Sports and Cultural Association, we would like to
thank all the artists, schools, cultural organisations, press & media, industrialists and the officers of the
various government departments.
We also take this opportunity to profoundly thank the citizens of Gwalior for the love and support they
have shown to us over the years. Please continue your patronage and also give us tips and ideas on how
we can further improve

Volunteer with Us

Make a difference in your community by volunteering with Udbhav. We are always looking for dedicated individuals who share our passion for sports and culture. Your time and skills can contribute to the growth of our association.
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