Udbhav World

Message from Vice President

Vice President

Surendra Pal Singh Kushwaha

When we start a work to do something different,with the motto to serve the society and the
people among them we live with dedication and devotion. An instituition like Udbhav gets
its breath, flourish and establish its existence. In the beginning a few enthusiastic people
cherished to do something beyond their capacities; it was only a zeal and a vast vision supported with
confidence and dedication. Efforts of Udbhav drew kind attention of capable dignitaries and new vistas
began to welcome Udbhav in big and bigger arenas.
Great personalties of India from various fields like music, dance & sports came open heartidly with
blessings and support. Now a small step leaped towards every corner of India and beyond the boundaries
of the country. People could not stop themselves in their boundaries and they rushed to join Udbhav with
helping hands. So it became a carvan of peace and love. Then time flies on with its own wings, people
join, contribute own share and disapear but institution remains. For every event we always struggled for
resources to fulfil its need, but no obstacle arrested the forwarding steps of Udbhav.
In this way Udbhav completed 25 years serving Gwalior and its people. Udbhav started its journey
from Gwalior went not only in whole Madhya Pradesh but different parts of India and abroad. When
Udbhav attracted the attention of the people beyond the boundaries of our country, we were amazed
and honoured to welcome them with small means and amenities available in our Gwalior. People from
different countries came with their young children fearless and performed at our platform. Udbhav felt
glorified when foreigners visited Gwalior and departed with satisfaction.
Udbhav’s journey in every picture and word represent thousands of smile with their team members.
With warm greetings

Volunteer with Us

Make a difference in your community by volunteering with Udbhav. We are always looking for dedicated individuals who share our passion for sports and culture. Your time and skills can contribute to the growth of our association.
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